Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Accel Art.Nr. 130319

Rotor, chrysler v8

Distributor Rotor, Copper Contact, Accel, Chrysler, 34000, 41000, 51000, 61000 Series, V8, Each

inkl. mva
123,– Eks.MVA

ACCEL distributor rotors are the perfect replacements for stock rotors to help ignition systems fire reliably. ACCEL distributor rotors feature high conductivity, corrosion-resistant brass terminals, and stainless steel rotor springs for unrestricted spark energy flow. Pick up a new ACCEL distributor rotor and make your distributor happy.

Alternativ SKU CH303
Produsent Accel

Komplett Liste

Merke Modell År