Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Eastwood Art.Nr. 10008Z

Bagasjeromsspray sort og aqua

Matches the original multi-color black/aqua "spatter" trunk finish

inkl. mva
431,– Eks.MVA

Black/Aqua Trunk Paint matches factory "spatter" finish and color to perfection.

  • Withstands up to 200 degrees F
  • Mixture of water- and solvent-based pigments
  • 12-oz. aerosol covers 6 sq. ft.
  • Topcoat with Eastwood Diamond Clear, 2K AeroSpray or 2K DuraSpray

Aerosol spray paint matches the original multi-color black/aqua spatter finish you've seen in trunks. We suggest you topcoat with Eastwood Diamond Clear (16106Z), or for ultimate durability and protection, Eastwood 2K AeroSpray or 2K DuraSpray Clear 

Alternativ SKU klarlakk: 16106Z
Produsent Eastwood

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