Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Holley Art.Nr. 220-VPTC-1357-B09

V-nett egt sensor sett 4 kanals

4-channel V-Net EGT junction box and EGT sensors with BBC spacing. Programmed as Cyls 1-3-5-7 with 9" T-cable.

inkl. mva
0,01 Eks.MVA

These V-Net EGT sets provide critical exhaust gas temperature data from 4- and 8-cylinder engines to the Racepak V-Net system. Sets come with V-Net EGT junction boxes, .250" probes, nuts, ferrules and mild steel weldments.Please specify cylinder layout and T-cable length when ordering.

Alternativ SKU Racepac
Produsent Holley

Komplett Liste

Merke Modell År