Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Performance Tools Art.Nr. W2404

Arbeidslykt led

Shop Light, LED Underhood Work, LED Bar Lamp Style, White Bulb, Rechargeable Battery, Each

inkl. mva
667,– Eks.MVA

Performance Tool LED underhood work lights are revolutionary lights that end the days of needing long extension cords or hanging corded spool shop lights. These lights have a unique, lightweight, slim design that features retractable steel wires and padded end hooks that fit almost any vehicle's hood. When in use, they can span up to 78 in. wide, and when not in use, take up less than 18 in., making them easy to store in your toolbox. Performance Tool LED underhood work lights include a powerful Li-Ion battery for hours of use, as well as a USB cable to allow you to plug them directly into your vehicle. They also include magnets and hooks on the back to provide even more versatility and are counterbalanced to always allow you to shine the light where you need it. Performance Tool LED underhood work lights put out 500 lumens of floodlight power with high and low beam settings that are guaranteed to satisfy your lighting needs.

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