Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Accessories, diverse Art.Nr. D731

Wilwood bremseklosser foran til corvette c5/6

Passer foran
2 671,25
inkl. mva
2 137,– Eks.MVA
  • Medium friction pad, high effective temperature range in medium temperature pad group
  • Smooth engagement, friction rises with increased temperature
  • Medium wear rate at high temperature
  • High performance street and track compound with increased friction and a wider temperature range over BP-10
  • Quiet running with lowered dust than OE compounds
Alternativ SKU 150-D0731K 150-16031K
Produsent Accessories, diverse
Foran/Bak Foran

Komplett Liste

Merke Modell År