Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Lucas Art.Nr. 10790 LUC

Primærkjede olje for hd

inkl. mva
161,– Eks.MVA

If you use Lucas HD primary chaincase oil, you can expect smooth clutch action, less slippage, longer chain and sprocket life, plus a much longer oil life. Lucas HD primary chaincase oil is a coolant for the clutch, not a lubricant! It combines a blend of easy-flowing base oils and a Lucas additive that's designed to carry away more heat from the clutch plates and friction plates, offering a more trouble-free clutch life. Protect your investment with HD primary chaincase oil from Lucas Oil--it works!

Produsent Lucas

Komplett Liste

Merke Modell År