Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Comp cams Art.Nr. 34-227-4

Kamaksel 268h marine ford 429, 460

HYDRAULIC: Jet boat with A impeller or inboard-outboard, good for skiing and economy. Mild idle.

2 811,25
inkl. mva
2 249,– Eks.MVA
Engine Family:Ford 429, 460 c.i. 8 Cylinder (1968-1995)
RPM Operating Range:1,500-5,500
Grind Number:268H
Cam Type:Hydraulic Flat Tappet
Lifter Style:Hydraulic Flat Tappet
Camshaft Series:Marine
Advertised Intake Duration:268
Advertised Exhaust Duration:268
Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift:218
Exhaust Duration at .050 Inch Lift:218
Intake Valve Lift:0.494
Exhaust Valve Lift:0.494
Lobe Lift Intake:0.286
Lobe Lift Exhaust:0.286
Lobe Separation:110
Intake Centerline:106
Exhaust Close ATDC:20
Intake Open BTDC:28
Exhaust Open BBDC:68
Intake Close ABDC:60
Camshaft Gear Attachment:1-Bolt
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