Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Holley Art.Nr. 36-432

Glass med holley logo - 4 pakk

Vintage Holley Equipped Square Logo, sett med 4 stk

inkl. mva
232,– Eks.MVA
Looking for the perfect gift for your car enthusiast? Holley has the perfect gift set, and it's perfect for any occasion or Holiday! This 4-pack of dishwasher safe, 16 oz. pub glasses feature the vintage Holley Equipped Square logo. This gift set will add a great addition to any man cave, home bar or collector. Don't wait, Order yours today!!


  • Comes as a (4) pack of 16oz pub glasses with the vintage Holley Equipped square logo printed vertically along glass
  • Perfect gift set for any automotive enthusiast
  • Makes for a great gift for any Holley Fan or Collector
  • Dishwasher Safe
Produsent Holley

Komplett Liste

Merke Modell År