Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Vht paint Art.Nr. SP148

Grunning for motor, lys grå matt

Paint, High-Temperature, Engine, Enamel, Primer, Flat, Light Gray, 11 oz., Aerosol Spray Can, Each

inkl. mva
331,– Eks.MVA

VHT engine enamels are available in a wide range of colors, including many OEM exact-match factory shades. All colors are durable and long-lasting, with superior resistance to heat (up to 550 degrees F) and solvents. These aerosol paints are specially formulated with a unique blend of urethane resins to withstand corrosion, rust, salt spray, degreasers, and the additives in today's gasoline blends.

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